Artificial Intelligence
All images used in these pages have
been generated by AI (usually Midjourney). They are typical and full of bias, hallucinations, misleading stereotypes, curious anatomy and spelling mistakes.
This website has been put together by a few colleagues who have worked as teachers, advisers, lecturers, consultants, moderators and examiners. We have worked with schools, universities, and government agencies as well as NSEAD. We find artificial intelligence interesting.
It is going to make a difference in everybody’s lives. We have been reflecting on what it might mean for art education in the UK. These pages gather together some of that thinking.

The potential of AI is fraught
with problems for schools. Exams
test students’ capacity to create their own work. The use of AI undermines this. There
are ways that students can use it to
research ideas, but the consequences,
for both teachers and students, of getting
it wrong are significant.
Teachers will need to think this through.
Teachers will want to use AI to
save time. Here we explain
how to make the best use of prompts….
Prompt engineering is not complicated. However, the evolution of these programmes is so rapid that yesterday’s prompts will be out of date by tomorrow lunchtime…
AI will make it easier to….

These pages contain ideas about AI tools, issues, hallucinations and spelling mistakes…
Working together we can share ideas about…
Looking for case studies we will be able to…