Photography Cover Lesson

This is a quick response to a request for help with a photography cover lesson on Facebook group, NSEAD online.

The suggestion that ‘Claude’ takes on the role of a teacher of photography AND to ‘have some experience of comic design’ has introduced the notion of narrative and text into the lesson. But this could be changed to suggest different lesson content.


To complete the exercise the same prompt was put to ChatGPT and that response is also recorded below.


Here is the prompt;

You are a teacher of photography and have some experience of publishing comics. I am a teacher in an English secondary school. I have to plan a cover lesson for my Year 7 students, because I will be absent for one lesson. Can you give me 5 simple but interesting lesson plans for my year 7 group. The lesson lasts for 1 hour and 45 minutes. The lesson should involve collage using magazines.’

This was put into Claude 3 and here is the response:

I’d be happy to provide 5 simple but engaging lesson plans centered around magazine collage and text for your Year 7 students. These activities are designed to be easily implemented by a cover teacher while keeping students creatively engaged for the full 1 hour and 45 minutes.


Lesson Plan 1: Visual Poetry Collage

Objective: Create visual poems using magazine cutouts and text.


  • Various magazines
  • Scissors, glue sticks
  • A4 paper/card
  • Colored markers


  1. Introduction (10 mins): Brief explanation of visual poetry with 2-3 simple examples.
  2. Planning (15 mins): Students brainstorm themes for their poems (nature, emotions, school life).
  3. Creation (60 mins): Students cut out images and words from magazines to create their visual poems.
  4. Reflection (15 mins): Students write a short paragraph explaining their choices.
  5. Sharing (5 mins): Volunteers share their work with the class.

Lesson Plan 2: Comic Strip Narratives

Objective: Create a 4-6 panel comic strip using magazine collage and added text.


  • Magazines
  • Scissors, glue
  • A3 paper divided into panels
  • Fine-tip markers for text bubbles


  1. Introduction (15 mins): Explain comic strip structure and show simple examples.
  2. Planning (20 mins): Students outline a simple story with beginning, middle, and end.
  3. Creation (50 mins): Students create their comic using magazine cutouts for characters/settings and add speech bubbles.
  4. Finishing touches (15 mins): Add titles and final text elements.
  5. Gallery walk (5 mins): Students view each other’s comics.

Lesson Plan 3: Character Profile Collage

Objective: Create an imaginary character profile using magazine elements and descriptive text.


  • Magazines
  • Scissors, glue
  • A4 colored paper
  • Pens/markers


  1. Introduction (10 mins): Explain character profiles and their elements.
  2. Brainstorming (15 mins): Students list their character’s traits, interests, and background.
  3. Creation (55 mins): Students create a visual character profile with collaged elements and written descriptions.
  4. Character biography (20 mins): Students write a short paragraph about their character.
  5. Presentation (5 mins): Volunteers introduce their characters to the class.

Lesson Plan 4: Magazine Advertisement Remix

Objective: Analyze and remix magazine advertisements with new messages.


  • Magazines with advertisements
  • Scissors, glue
  • A4 paper
  • Markers/pens


  1. Introduction (15 mins): Discuss advertising techniques and show examples.
  2. Analysis (15 mins): Students identify target audience and techniques in sample ads.
  3. Planning (15 mins): Students choose an ad to remix with a new message.
  4. Creation (45 mins): Students collage elements from various ads and add new text to change the message.
  5. Explanation (15 mins): Students write why they chose their remix approach.

Lesson Plan 5: Personal Magazine Cover

Objective: Create a magazine cover that represents the student’s interests and personality.


  • Magazines
  • Scissors, glue
  • A4 colored card
  • Markers/pens


  1. Introduction (10 mins): Show various magazine covers and discuss elements (masthead, headlines, images).
  2. Planning (15 mins): Students decide on their magazine name and headlines that represent them.
  3. Creation (60 mins): Students create their covers using collaged images and original text.
  4. Content list (15 mins): Students write a contents page for their imaginary magazine.
  5. Sharing (5 mins): Display covers around the classroom for a quick gallery.

Each plan includes clear instructions for the cover teacher, requires minimal specialized knowledge, and results in a completed creative project that incorporates both visual collage elements from magazines and student-created text. The activities develop visual literacy, narrative skills, and creative expression while being accessible to Year 7 students.


The same prompt was put into ChatGPT4 and here is the response. It is a good idea to try different chatbots and/or change the prompt rather than just accept the first response.

Here are five engaging lesson plans for your Year 7 students that involve creating collages using magazines. Each lesson is designed to last for 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Lesson Plan 1: “My Dream World”

Objective: Students will create a collage that represents their dream world.

Materials Needed:

  • Magazines
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Large paper or poster boards
  • Markers or colored pencils


  1. Introduction (15 minutes): Discuss what a dream world means to each student. Show examples of collages.
  2. Collage Creation (60 minutes): Students will cut out images and words from magazines that represent their dream world and glue them onto the poster board.
  3. Presentation (30 minutes): Students will present their collages to the class, explaining the elements they included and why.

Lesson Plan 2: “Cultural Collage”

Objective: Students will explore different cultures through collage.

Materials Needed:

  • Magazines featuring global cultures
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Large paper or poster boards
  • Markers for labeling


  1. Introduction (15 minutes): Discuss the importance of cultural representation. Show examples of cultural collages.
  2. Collage Creation (60 minutes): Students create a collage representing a specific culture or a mix of cultures, using images, symbols, and words.
  3. Gallery Walk (30 minutes): Display collages around the room, and students will walk around to view each other’s work and leave positive feedback.

Lesson Plan 3: “Nature’s Beauty”

Objective: Students will create a nature-themed collage.

Materials Needed:

  • Magazines with nature themes (animals, landscapes, plants)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Large paper or poster boards
  • Markers for captions


  1. Introduction (15 minutes): Discuss the beauty of nature and its importance. Show examples of nature collages.
  2. Collage Creation (60 minutes): Students will create a collage using nature images, adding captions to describe the scenes.
  3. Sharing Session (30 minutes): Students share their collages with the class and discuss their favorite aspects of nature.

Lesson Plan 4: “What Makes Me, Me”

Objective: Students will create a personal collage that represents their identities.

Materials Needed:

  • Magazines
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Large paper or poster boards
  • Markers for personal reflections


  1. Introduction (15 minutes): Discuss identity and what makes each person unique. Show examples of personal collages.
  2. Collage Creation (60 minutes): Students create a collage using images and words that represent their interests, family, and personality traits.
  3. Reflection (30 minutes): Students write a short paragraph about their collage and share their reflections with a partner.

Lesson Plan 5: “Future Aspirations”

Objective: Students will create a collage representing their future goals and dreams.

Materials Needed:

  • Magazines featuring careers, hobbies, and aspirations
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Large paper or poster boards
  • Markers for notes


  1. Introduction (15 minutes): Discuss the concept of aspirations and future goals. Show examples of aspiration collages.
  2. Collage Creation (60 minutes): Students create a collage that visually represents their dreams for the future, including careers, travel, and personal goals.
  3. Class Discussion (30 minutes): Students present their collages and discuss how they plan to achieve their dreams.

These lesson plans encourage creativity, self-expression, and collaboration among students while utilizing magazines for collage-making.